Holiday Reflections

There is little sign of the holidays in this part of the country except for the decorations.  While the traditional snow is beautiful, there is something uniquely wonderful of tinsel on palm trees.  This was a random find while out shooting a local church that had caught my eye.  I got wrapped up in the moment.

Happy holidays!

The Wharf

It was a cloudy cold day and after walking around the wharf for a while thinking there was nothing much interesting to photograph, I spotted the pelicans keeping warm. 

Morning Treasures

Some days I just walk out my front door with my camera and go exploring. I encourage everyone to do this once in a while. We go about our busy lives without noticing the many beautiful details that surround us. The camera is magical in revealing the details we often overlook. The exercise itself is relaxing and it renews my love of nature and my joy for life.
I have an event to shoot this weekend.  It's time to face the challenges without fear and enjoy doing what I like to do.  Silly as it may seem, I learn a lot from my little frienand often model.  He knows danger but loves adventure.  He shows fear but not cowardice.  Best of all, he loves big!
drove down old familiar streets with memories not stirred for thirty years. All I could do was smile as I drove with the taste of youth in my mouth.  

My destination was not as sweet. 

I was to visit my oldest aunt's condo presently being prepared for rent or sale. She had no children and I looked up to her, the most traveled and savvy of six sisters.  I could not manage many photos save a few from her balcony.  I wanted to remember something of her dream home.


have little interest in celebrity.  Not necessarily of the Hollywood kind either though it starts there.  I'm not sure when my aversion to popularity started but I remember it was there in High school.  This may explain my total loss of interest in school around the 10th grade when each day was  an Ego Parade where everyone wanted their turn on the Pompousity Float.  

I've never had an interest in meeting a celebrity either.  I just never got the big deal.  I got over that when at  age eleven I figured out that I was never going to grow up to marry Mark Lester.    Oh how I prayed!


Maybe I just never valued popularity.   


I am  content to only get a camera "click" away from celebrity. A girl has to eat.


Life Is Fine

I went down to the river,

I set down on the bank.

I tried to think but couldn't,

So I jumped in and sank.

I came up once and hollered!

I came up twice and cried!

If that water hadn't a-been so cold

I might've sunk and died.

But it was Cold in that water! It was cold!

I took the elevator

Sixteen floors above the ground.

I thought about my baby

And thought I would jump down.

I stood there and I hollered!

I stood there and I cried!

If it hadn't a-been so high

I might've jumped and died.

But it was High up there! It was high!

So since I'm still here livin',

I guess I will live on.

I could've died for love--

But for livin' I was born

Though you may hear me holler,

And you may see me cry--

I'll be dogged, sweet baby,

If you gonna see me die.

Life is fine! Fine as wine! Life is fine!

- Langston Hughes