
have little interest in celebrity.  Not necessarily of the Hollywood kind either though it starts there.  I'm not sure when my aversion to popularity started but I remember it was there in High school.  This may explain my total loss of interest in school around the 10th grade when each day was  an Ego Parade where everyone wanted their turn on the Pompousity Float.  

I've never had an interest in meeting a celebrity either.  I just never got the big deal.  I got over that when at  age eleven I figured out that I was never going to grow up to marry Mark Lester.    Oh how I prayed!


Maybe I just never valued popularity.   


I am  content to only get a camera "click" away from celebrity. A girl has to eat.

1 comment:

Gaston SEO said...

muy bonitas fotos, me gustan, saludos y hasta muy pronto